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Depression Treatment

woman sitting on floor looking out of window

Has Depression Stopped You In Your Tracks?


Has a sense of emptiness settled over you? Perhaps you feel like nothing in life is worth the effort anymore. Your lack of motivation might lead to spending idle hours wasting time and feeling unproductive. Rather than doing the things you used to enjoy and found pleasurable, you isolate or withdraw. When this mood comes over you, it can be difficult to concentrate on work, take care of things at home, or spend time with others.


The two vicious cycles of depression can keep you stuck. When a stressful life event happens—such as a breakup or loss of a job— you experience a negative emotion like sadness, stress, or numbness. These emotional reactions unleash the second cycle of behaviors—like staying in bed or isolating yourself from others—that make you feel worse.


The Demands Of Life May Feel Overwhelming


If you’re struggling at school, work, or in your relationships, you might be feeling hopeless or concerned about not keeping up. This may be a time in your life when you’re expected to be proving yourself, only to be weighed down by a sense of dread. Rather than having optimism about the future, perhaps you are filled with self-doubts and question your value, purpose, or direction in life.


Your depression might make you feel ashamed or embarrassed, and as a result, you might distance yourself from friends and family. Sadly, this isolation only serves to magnify your sense of despair. If only you could shed the heavy cloak of depression to feel lighter, less ashamed, and reconnect to the parts of life that you find pleasure in.


Fortunately, treatment for depression has the answers that you are looking for. With one-on-one sessions with a therapist who is trained in providing psychotherapy for depression, including Behavioral Activation (BA), one of the most important CBT therapies used in treating depression, you can learn skills to put yourself in situations that will make it likely that your mood will improve. You can learn to breathe easier and find a positive direction forward.

Depression Is Experienced By People Around The Globe


According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States.¹ The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that globally, 5 percent of adults suffer from depression and cites it as the leading cause of disability worldwide.² Specifically, adults aged 18-25 and women are at higher risk for developing depression.³


No single factor causes depression alone—it is caused by a combination of genetic, psychological, social, and environmental factors. For those of us who are more vulnerable to developing depression than others due to biology and early childhood circumstances, stressful life events can more easily trigger an episode of depression.


With Depression, The Glass Is Always Half Empty


Depression is often exacerbated by the state of the world around us. Not only has the Covid-19 pandemic been trying for many of us in myriad ways—financially, socially, and emotionally—but other global events can also contribute to our sense of existential dread. When our worldview is skewed by depression, it’s as if all we see is the negative, and the weight it brings drags us further down.


Unfortunately, it can be especially difficult to seek treatment when we have depression. Lacking motivation, we convince ourselves that there are too many obstacles in the way that prevent advocating for ourselves and getting the help we need. We may feel too exhausted or overwhelmed to look for a therapist, which, sadly, prolongs our suffering.


However, taking the first step in a path toward wellness can change your trajectory to one of hope and promise. Treatment offers you personalized support to identify the root of your depression and helpful ways to manage its symptoms.

Treatment Can Help You Identify And Change The Negative Thinking And Unhelpful Behaviors That Fuel Depression 


If you waited a long time before embarking on depression treatment, you’re probably feeling hopeless. But today is the day you can begin to untangle the thoughts, experiences, and beliefs that are keeping you stuck in this dark headspace. Within a supportive, trustful environment, you will be allowed to engage in self-exploration and discover new narratives about yourself. By nurturing self-compassion, strengthening your tolerance of difficult emotions, and challenging negative patterns of thinking or behaving, you will find the solutions to what troubles you. We will also work on modifying your behavior to make positive mood changes more likely.


What To Expect In Sessions


I typically draw from a wide range of theories and methods so that we can tailor treatment to your specific goals and needs. I also firmly believe that the achievement of meaningful growth or change in depression therapy depends upon the quality of the client-therapist relationship we develop. By building a connection with you that validates your experience and invites you to share what’s on your mind with no fear of judgment, you can be assured of a positive outcome for therapy. 


The symptoms of depression we struggle with as adults can often be traced back to our earliest experiences. Without realizing it, you may unconsciously repeat negative relationship patterns based on what was imprinted by those who raised you. We will work together to identify the relational dynamics established in your childhood that keep you feeling stuck presently. This way you can finally escape these patterns and learn how to develop healthier relationships.


An Integrated Approach To Depression Treatment


While my approach is grounded in psychodynamic theory and will emphasize bringing awareness to the unconscious thoughts that drive behavior, I frequently apply skills and techniques from a wide range of other treatment modalities. 


Drawing from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), we can identify thoughts and beliefs that keep you stuck in depression and challenge them. Because thoughts are not facts, acknowledging when cognitive distortions are holding you back will allow you to let go of ideas that no longer serve you. Behavioral Action (BA) can be particularly helpful in shifting you away from behaviors that prolong and intensify bouts of depression and replacing them with activities that will lift your spirits. You will also be encouraged to recognize the strengths and inner resources you already possess.


I can help you get past what is keeping you stuck, let go of baggage that’s been weighing you down, and face painful thoughts or memories preventing you from moving forward. With a commitment to therapy, the fog will lift. It’s possible to achieve more fulfillment and enjoyment in life and relationships.

man looking sad with hand on face
woman confidently smiling at camera

But You May Wonder Whether Depression Treatment Is Right For You…


I’m embarrassed to admit that I may have depression and need counseling. 

Understandably, you may be resistant to the idea of treatment. After all, seeking therapy for depression requires you to acknowledge that what you are experiencing is outside of your current ability to cope. Perhaps you’re afraid that others will negatively judge you for seeking help or that you will be labeled as weak or “crazy.” However, seeking depression therapy is an act of courage, bravery, and strength.Demonstrating self-care when you need it most can make such a difference in how you feel—and don’t you want to feel better?


Baring my soul to a therapist and talking about my depression sounds intimidating.

If you’ve never gone to treatment before, it may be difficult to imagine opening up to a counselor about the painful thoughts and feelings depression brings up for you. However, avoiding painful thoughts and emotions only reinforces distressful symptoms, contributes to feelings of shame, and makes it more difficult to find your way out of the cloud of depression. As a therapist trained in treating depression, I will offer you nonjudgmental support and validation that will help you better understand your emotions and find healthier ways of coping with them.


How do I know depression treatment works?

You may be unconvinced that you will ever feel better or that life can change. You may approach depression counseling with doubts that a therapist can understand your experience. While I may not have experienced exactly what you are going through, I will seek to understand your experience through your own narrative without judgment or bias, and with positive regard and acceptance. 

Depression Doesn’t Have To Hold You Back 


There’s a brighter day waiting for you. If you would like to find out more about depression treatment with me, please visit my contact page

Carolyn D. Greene, Psy.D., P.C.

(781) 819 -0304





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